Creating functional spaces



I am a busy mother of three children under the age of seven and a teenager, I love my children and love spending time with them, but it has been a struggle trying to get back to my normal routine after multiple kids, especially getting a good night sleep. At the end of the day, I am too exhausted to sleep. I tried everything and nothing worked, including sleeping with the TV on but that made it worse and when I finally fall exhaustively asleep in the wee hours of the morning, it is difficult to wake up a few hours later, so I drag myself out of bed and do it all over again. For the past six years, I have been a walking zombie until I came across this lamp. The Intelligent Atmosphere Lamp has been a lifesaver. Let me explain some of the ways this lamp has saved my life.  

Before I go to bed at night, I set my morning alarm, place my phone device on the wireless charger that come with the lamp, and turn on the natural sleep aid sound machine and before I know it, I am out like a light to wake up in the morning with the sunrise simulation light that helps my body  wake up naturally.

The benefit of this lamp have been amazing! I go through the day having more energy than I can remember. Dancing at my house has become a routine, I now have enough energy to dance with my family to the lamp’s light effect created by the beat of the music. This daily family routine has also brought a change to my waistline. The light effect mesmerizes my 21-month-old that he exclaims “disco time!” as soon as he hears any music.

People are raving over the effect the lamp has had on their lives and I wanted to share this story and the lamp

 Please share your stories with us 



Iva Ob. 

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